2022 ecommerce benchmark study

How well are your holiday ecom efforts working?

Judging your store’s holiday performance can be hard with nothing to compare to.

The 2022 Benchmark study gathers hundreds of ecommerce stores’ data (in a blinded, private study) and feeds that data back to store owners to give them a clear picture of where they’re performing well, and where they have opportunities to improve.

Participation in the study is free – the Benchmark is improved when more store owners participate.

Check out the video below, and sign up to get your free benchmark report!

how does it help?


Is your store tracking with the holiday shopping season at rate that’s comparable with the market?


Is your order flow on par with similar ecommerce stores over the holiday season?


Is your shop losing customers in the cart or checkout process?


Are your promotional campaigns driving sufficient traffic increases?


There are some very creative marketing companies, and there are some marketing companies that are very good with data.

Data folks tend not to respect the value of creativity, and vice versa. We call it the “mad men vs math men” problem.

We believe it takes a balance of both. Insights and Imagination. Truth and Empathy. Statistics and Sorcery. 

Marketing and business data is a direct reflection of the hearts and minds of your customers. 

Our mission is to help you connect to those customers, and to make your data

meaningful, understandable, actionable and profitable.  

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